Sunday, July 24, 2016

Atheist Scientists Thinks Pixie Dust Caused First Life

Puerto Rico -- Top island scientist found Pixie Dust to be cause of first life. The daunting, controversial and annoyingly unsuccessful search for the origin of life has led the top Puerto Rico professor, Dr. Aso Shane, to search harder. After a long and restless night and then a hard day in the lab searching for life’s origin, Shane turned on the TV for the news, but happened to be on the Disney channel that his kids were watching a little before. He saw it, Pixie Dust was being applied to Wendy as the channel was playing Peter Pan. Then inspiration struck, Pixie Dust has to be the cause of life.

Shane is being lauded by fellow researchers for his great insites. He has been nominated, and we must say, has been accepted into the Science Hall Of Fame. A fellow research, Dr. Tom Bigelow, said the following “You know, finely we have a likely mechanism for the origin of life. Scientists who are Christian don’t give up, they keep producing evidence why God was the creator of life and it is becoming quite convincing, and we must say annoying. However, we just can’t allow that to happen. We will accept any explanation in place of God, so Pixie Dust is superb.” He went on to say “So we are very excited what Shane has done, produced a viable and very likely mechanism for life's origin.” Professor Roberson, another colleague concurs “For years we have been telling Christians that their argument is just the “god-of-the-gaps” argument, even though we have had no way to produce any other mechanism, it has been really embarrassing. We always said we should just wait, we did, and we found it, Pixie Dust.”

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