Friday, April 15, 2016

God Tells Preacher To Commit Suicide, Funeral Will Be In Two Days

Chicago, IL -- Preacher dies after God tells him to commit suicide. Detective John Edwards from the Chicago police department was called to the home of Reverend William H. Coffee, senior pastor of Crossroads Community Church. Coffee was found dead and police were called to investigate.

Known for his deep spirituality, Coffee taught to find God’s will one should randomly opening the Bible. “The Spirit of God will give you what he wants you to do, just pray and open the Bible randomly. The first word or sentence that you read is your personalized message from God” said Coffee two months ago while preaching a sermon on finding “God’s will for your life.” Unnamed sources say that Coffee was a very “spiritual” man, always talking about the things that God told him and how the Spirit led in his personal decision making.

His suicide note showed that he “practiced what he preached” (pardon the pun). He describes God’s leading in his personal journal, given to detective Edwards by Coffee’s widow. According to the page, Coffee randomly opened the Bible for God's will for the rest of his life. His finger fell on the verse that said “And Judas hung himself…” According to Coffee’s notes, his faith wavered a little, so he again opened randomly, this time his eyes fell first on this verse “Go and do likewise”. Almost convince, but still hoping God was telling him something else, Coffee opened again and his finger touched the line that says this “What you must do, do quickly”. His last line in his journal said that he hopes that others will see his great faith, testimony and obedience and they too can find God’s personalized will for their life.

Coffee, after finding God’s will and confirmation, hung himself in his own garage yesterday around two in the afternoon. The visitation and funeral will be held two days from now at Crossroads Community Church. All are welcome to give their sympathies to the survivors.

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