Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Hockey Player Confuses Church for Hockey Fight

Chicago IL -- Amateur hockey player found dazed after learning fight did not break out in hockey game but rather a gospel song.

Big Jim, an amateur hockey player, was stunned when the hockey game fight did not turn out to be a hockey game but rather a church service.

“Man, dude, like, like, it’s this way man. I was have [sic] a good time fighting expecting to like, like start knocking around a puck with my like, like, like dude hockey stick, when everyone started singing. I was like ‘dude what’s going on here’?” was Big Jim’s account of what previously transpired. He went on to say “you know what I mean dude, it was even more confusing when the sermon started on like, like love. It was like this man, I was like totally confused. I must have been like, like went to the like, like wrong fight.”

A long time attendee of the church, “Triple Winds Spirit Faith Praise Church” said “When we reach out to him, he acted confused, I’m not quite sure what the big deal is, it is like this every Sunday.” The unnamed member went on to say “We were all really impressed with Big Jim’s spiritual gift of fight and would hope he feels at home. We would like to see him come back!”

That pastor was contacted but at this time he has not replied.

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